Click to download a list of my academic presentations and publications
publications_and_presentations_chiara_bruzzano.pdf |
What I've written
What I've presented (and will present)
- Conference call in inglese: la tua guida alla sopravvivenza - with Alex Taylor (2019), TJ Taylor Blog. Link
- Listen up! (2019), English Teaching Professional, Issue 120
- L'ascolto in lingua inglese: processo o prodotto?, Lend - Lingua e nuova didattica.
- Teacher cognition: examining teachers’ mental lives in language education (2018), Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Link
- Come parlare inglese con sicurezza in 9 semplici passi (2018) - with Alex Taylor, TJ Taylor Blog. Link
- Fai anche tu questi errori in inglese? I 12 errori più comuni e come evitarli (2018) TJ Taylor Blog. Link
- 4 Counterproductive Learner Beliefs and How to Tackle Them (2018), TESOL Connections. Link
- Becoming a successful English teacher in Italy (2016), TEFL Equity Advocates. Link
- Learning to Teach Listening: Students’ and Teachers’ Perspectives (2015) TESOL Italy Convention. Link
What I've presented (and will present)
- EFL listening and secondary school learners: evidence from a multiple case study, Innovation in Language Learning, 15th November 2019, Florence
- Why do you do what you do? Teacher and learner beliefs about listening in the EFL classroom
ELT Research into practice, 27th April 2019, Barcelona - "Why don't they understand? Using listening difficulties productively", TESOL Italy, Rome, 16-17 November 2018
- "Reflective practice for language teachers: enhancing teaching practice by studying the teaching mind", Scarti conference, University of Milan, 8 November 2018
- "Italian challenges in listening to English as a foreign language", ItaLeeds, University of Leeds, 7 June 2018
- "Learning to Teach Listening: Students’ and Teachers’ Perspectives”, TESOL Italy, Rome, 13-14 November 2015