Conference call in inglese: la tua guida alla sopravvivenza - with Alex Taylor (2019), TJ Taylor Blog. Link
Listen up! (2019), English Teaching Professional.
L’ascolto nella didattica dell’inglese: processo o prodotto?, Lend - Lingua e nuova didattica.
Teacher cognition: examining teachers’ mental lives in language education (2018), Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Link
Come parlare inglese con sicurezza in 9 semplici passi - with Alex Taylor, TJ Taylor Blog. Link
Fai anche tu questi errori in inglese? I 12 errori più comuni e come evitarli (2018) TJ Taylor Blog. Link
4 Counterproductive Learner Beliefs and How to Tackle Them (2018), TESOL Connections. Link
Becoming a successful English teacher in Italy (2016), TEFL Equity Advocates. Link
Learning to Teach Listening: Students’ and Teachers’ Perspectives (2015) TESOL Italy Convention. Link
What I've presented (and will present)
EFL listening and secondary school learners: evidence from a multiple case study, Innovation in Language Learning, 15th November 2019, Florence
Why do you do what you do? Teacher and learner beliefs about listening in the EFL classroom ELT Research into practice, 27th April 2019, Barcelona
"Why don't they understand? Using listening difficulties productively", TESOL Italy, Rome, 16-17 November 2018
"Reflective practice for language teachers: enhancing teaching practice by studying the teaching mind", Scarti conference, University of Milan, 8 November 2018
"Italian challenges in listening to English as a foreign language", ItaLeeds, University of Leeds, 7 June 2018